Partner with AMEN for Free Clinic Ministry

By Communication Team -  May 2, 2023


The Adventist health ministry, AMEN, is seeking to partner with local churches to provide free clinic ministry in communities throughout Michigan.

The president of AMEN (John Shin, MD) will share the vision and invite pastors to collaborate during Camp Pitch on June 6 at 7:00 pm. The idea is to provide physical and spiritual healing to local communities in Michigan by offering free health clinics where the health and gospel message can be shared as relationships are established.

AMEN is also inviting Michigan-based health professionals to attend a meeting with Brian Schwartz, MD, on June 17 at 3:00 pm in the Administrative Building Chapel on the campus of Great Lakes Adventist Academy. They are looking for health professionals willing to volunteer for future free clinics organized and facilitated through the AMEN organization. The event will also be live-streamed via ZOOM for those unable to make the event. For remote viewing, email your request to:

If you're attending camp meeting, please visit their exhibit tent from Wednesday evening through Sabbath evening (June 14-17). The AMEN leadership team will provide additional information and answer any questions you might have.